Facts About Owls

Owls have been associated with human culture and mythology since the dawn of time. Hearing an owl hoot or seeing an owl was considered a bad omen in most ancient societies and beliefs. Many people only know that owls can see well at night but not during the day. So you can enhance your knowledge by reading our Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls.

Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls

1. There are around 200 different species of owls living on every continent of the world except Antarctica.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                     ©pixabay

2. The term "parliament" refers to a group of owls. Wisdom, congress, and hooting are some of the less prevalent names, and baby owls are known as owlets.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

3. Many people say that owls can rotate their heads 360 degrees, but that's not true. They can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

4. Owls are known as 'Silent Flyers' and due to their extraordinarily quiet flight, they are great hunters also.           Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

5. Owls are carnivorous. Owls eat a variety of items, including birds, fish, bugs, small mammals, and even other species of owls.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

6. Owls do not have eyeballs. They have "eye tubes" that extend all the way to the rear of their heads.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

7. Female owls are bigger, heavier, and more ferocious than male owls.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

8. In the wild, owls have a life span of 9 to 10 years, although most of them can live for more than 20 years in captivity.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

9. The weight of owls varies by species, but the average weight of female owls is between 1.75 and 4.6 kg (3.9 to 10.1 lb), whereas male owls weigh between 1.2 and 3.2 kg (2.6 to 7.1 lb).

10. Owls are farsighted. They are unable to focus on objects that are too close to them.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

11. The majority of owls have a better hearing range than other day-hunting birds. The barn owl's hearing range is significantly higher than that of most other birds.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

12. The Great Gray Owl is the world's largest of all owls, while The Elf Owl(weighs nearly 40g), is the world's smallest species of owl.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

13. Owls have three eyelids: one for blinking, one for sleeping, and one for clearing their eyes.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

14. The majority of owls have asymmetrical ears of different sizes and at different heights on their heads, which helps them to find their prey.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

15. Owls are known as the farmer's Natural Pest Controller because Owls consume a large number of rodents.Top 15 Mystifying Facts About Owls                                                                                                      ©pixabay

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