facts about apples

Apples are one of the most eaten fruit in the world. Many people eat apples as a healthy snack and for their nutritional value. Because apples contain various nutrients that are essential for our body. That's why a proverb is used to maintain a healthy body "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". So here are our 13 Interesting Facts About Apples that you should know.

13 Interesting Facts About Apples

1. There are 7500 kinds of apples, exist in our world. Of those 7500 types, 2500 types are grown in the US.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                           ©pixabay

2. According to some studies, eating apples on a regular basis may lower the risk of various cancer. Because it contains quercetin, pectin, Vitamin C, and many anti-cancer nutrients13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                            ©pixabay

3. Apples float in water because their density is less than that of water and contain a lot of air(nearly 25%) inside them13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                            ©pixabay

4. Apple trees require 4 to 5 years to bear fruit. Some trees take nearly ten years to bear fruit.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                          ©pixabay

5. A 100 grams apple contains 52 calories.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                           ©pixabay

6. "Sekai Ichi Apples" are the world's most expensive and largest apple, costing up to $21 (about ₹1590). "World's Number One" signifies "Sekai Ichi" in Japanese.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                          ©pixabay

7. The largest producer of apples in the world is China.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                         ©pixabay

8. The average healthy apple tree can survive for 50 to 80 years, with the best fruit produced between the ages of 10 and 30. Some apple trees have been reported to live for 100 years or longer.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                           ©pixabay

9. It takes the energy of 50 leaves to grow one apple.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                         ©pixabay

10. Chisato Iwasaki of Hirosaki City, Japan, grew and harvested the heaviest apple at his apple farm on 24th October 2005, which weighed 1.849 kg (4 lb 1 oz).Heaviest apple                                                                        ©guinnessworldrecords.com

11. According to many people, Sir Isaac Newton is said to have developed his law of gravity after an apple fell on his head.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                          ©pixabay

12. Apples are rich in antioxidants. Apples include a number of phytochemicals that are powerful antioxidants, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin, and chlorogenic acid.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                         ©pixabay

13. According to a new study, drinking apple juice may improve memory by reducing the loss of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter.13 Interesting Facts About Apples                                                                                                           ©pixabay

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