Many of us consume banana fruit on a daily basis, whether for breakfast, lunch or simply as a snack. Some people make various dishes, ice cream with bananas. Here are our 16 Crazy Facts About Bananas which will help you learn more about bananas.

16 Crazy Facts About Bananas

1. The banana was named after its appearance at the 1876 Philadelphia World Fair, where it was sold in an aluminum foil wrapping for ten cents.

2. Bananas naturally release tiny quantities of radioactivity due to the presence of potassium-40, which is one of the numerous potassium isotopes.

3. Bananas contain vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, and various minerals like potassium, phosphorus & many antioxidants.
Vitamins in banana

4. Because of their high potassium and low salt content, bananas can help to lower blood pressure and safeguard heart health.
Blood pressure lower

5. The inner of a banana peel can help to relieve irritation and itching resulting from insect bites or poison ivy.
banana peel benefits

6. Bananas may be used to avoid mood swings since they include tryptophan, Vitamin B6, and an amino acid that aids in body healing.
Benefits of banana

7. The process of ripening bananas can be slowed by putting them in the refrigerator.
Ripening of banana

8. When a banana plant reaches maturity, it stops producing new leaves and begins to develop a flower spike, also known as an inflorescence.
flower spike of banana

9. Bananas are the only known fruit that aids in the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the human body.
production of the neurotransmitter

10. Because bananas meet all of the botanical requirements of a berry, they can be classified as both fruit and berry.
Banana as berry

11. Green bananas contain a lot of starch, which transforms into sugars when the fruit yellows.
Green bananas contain a lot of starch

12. Bananas float in water because their density is less than that of water and contain a lot of air pockets inside them.
Banana float in water

13. Banana trees require 9 to 15 months to bear fruit.
Time to bear fruit in banana tree

14. The largest producer of bananas in the world is India(according to the 2019 report) with a production of more than 30.5 million tonnes. After India, China, Indonesia, Brazil, and Ecuador are also major producers of bananas.
The largest producer of bananas is India

15. We have about 50% of our genes in common with bananas, which is equivalent to about 1% of our DNA.
HUmans genes common with banana

16. In the United States, National Banana Day is celebrated each year on the third Wednesday of April month.
Banana day

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Wanna explore more about bananas? Visit Wikipedia.