Mangoes are one of the most lovable fruit on the planet. Mango cultivation is supposed to have begun in Eastern Asia some 5000 years ago. It is a delectable fruit that is considered as the "King of Fruits." Mangoes are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and other antioxidants. Mangoes are belong to the flowering family plant genus Mangifera. Here are our 15 Curious Facts About Mangoes.

15 Curious Facts About Mangoes

1. Mango cultivation is supposed to have begun some 5000 years ago in the region between northwestern Myanmar, Bangladesh, and northeastern India.


2. Mango seeds spread from Asia to the Middle East, East Africa, and finally South America around the year 300 or 400 A.D.


3. India is known as the "Mango Capital of the World" since it produces the most mangos, followed by China, Thailand, Indonesia, and other countries.

4. Mango leaves are poisonous for cattle feed. It is also harmful to burn their leaves, wood, or trash.

5. The mango tree is the national tree of Bangladesh, whereas the mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines.

6. There are about 500 varieties of mango fruit grown around the world. In Summer they ripen the most. Their sizes, shapes, colours, and tastes are all different from each other.

7. Mangoes are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and other antioxidants, all of which help to maintain a healthy immune system.

8. Many studies says that, A cup of mango pulp delivers 67% of your daily Vitamin C and other dietary requirements.

9. Mango is also rich in the minerals copper and folate, which are particularly important nutrients during pregnancy since they aid in fetal growth.

10. East Khandesh has the world's oldest living mango tree, which is 300 years old. Surprisingly, even at this age, that mango tree can produce fruit!

11. Mango vitamin content varies by variety and stage of maturity. Mangoes have a higher vitamin C content when they are still green, but as the fruit ripens and matures, the amount of vitamin A it contains increases.

12. According to Indian history, Mughal emperor Akbar (1556–1605 AD) reportedly loved mangoes so much that he planted 100,000 mango trees in his Lakhi Bagh orchard in Darbhanga, Bihar. 

13. Mangoes or mangos are tropical stone fruits that belong to the flowering plant genus Mangifera, which means "an Indian plant bearing mangos."

14. In India, the mango is regarded as a sign of love. In India, a basket of mangos is considered a friendly gesture.

15. For millennia, mango bark, leaves, skin, flesh, and pit have been utilised in folk treatments.

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