Elephant facts

Elephants are the world’s largest land mammals, with gigantic bodies, large ears, and lengthy trunks. The African bush elephant, African forest elephant, and Asian elephant are the three living species currently recognized. Asian elephants can grow to be over 11 feet tall and weigh up to six tonnes. African elephants are eight to thirteen feet tall and weigh more than six and a half tonnes. Elephants can live for 60 to 70 years in both Asia and Africa. Here are our top 12 Interesting Facts About Elephants which you should know.

12 Interesting Facts About Elephants

1. Elephants are the largest terrestrial mammals on the planet! Male African elephants can reach 3.2 meters tall and weigh anywhere from 1,800 to 6,000 kg. Asian elephants are slightly smaller, reaching a height of 2.8 meters and weighing between 2,700 and 4,000 kg.12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                                   ©pixabay

2. Elephants can live for 60 to 70 years in both Asia and Africa.

3. Elephants are divided into three types: the African Bush elephants, the African Forest elephants, and the Asian elephants. Elephants are known for their massive bulk, big ears, and long trunks.12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                                 ©pixabay

4. By glancing at an elephant’s tusks, you can find out a lot about them! Elephant tusks never cease growing, hence massive tusks may indicate an elderly elephant. Tusks are grown by both male and female African elephants. An adult Asian elephant with no tusks is most likely a female because only male Asian elephants have tusks.12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                      ©pixabay

5. When ground vibrations travel from the elephant’s front feet, up its leg and shoulder bones, and into its middle ear, an African elephant may detect seismic signals with sensory cells in its feet and also “hear” these deep-pitched sounds. The elephant can discern the direction of the sound by comparing the timing of signals received by each of its front feet.12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                     ©pixabay

6. Elephants have developed their own sunscreen formula! They’ll cover themselves in mud and sand after a swamp or river bath to shield their skin from the scorching sun.12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                      ©pixabay

7. Elephants can’t jump.

8. We can easily distinguish between African and Asian elephants to look at the ears. African elephants have huge ears that resemble like the African continent, while the ears of Asian elephants are smaller and shaped like India.12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                     ©pixabay

9. Female African elephants have the longest pregnancy of any living mammal, lasting an average of 22 months. whereas female Asian elephants are pregnant for 18 to 22 months.

10. Every day, these mammals spend between 12 and 18 hours eating grass, vegetables, and fruit!12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                       ©pixabay

11. Each elephant excretes approximately one tonne of feces(poo) every week, which helps to keep the soil fertile.

12. World Elephant Day is an annual international event celebrated on August 12th every year, dedicated to the preservation and protection of elephants around the world to maintain the biodiversity of rainforests.12 Interesting Facts About Elephants                                                                                                      ©pixabay

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